The Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education® is a process of self-discovery through sensory awareness, movement, and gentle manipulation. People benefit from Feldenkrais® who are looking to change a limiting aspect of their current condition and move towards more freedom, ease, and comfort. It’s based on decades of research in biomechanics, neuroscience, physics, martial arts, learning theory, and human development.
This intro workshop is suited for anyone with neck, back, or joint pain; people who want to stay active as they age; people who want to improve their balance, mobility, or stability; musicians, dancers, or yogis; or people who simply want to live more fully, with greater vitality and joy!
Group Feldenkrais classes are called Awareness Through Movement® or ATM®. These lessons are verbally guided movement sequences. Each class is different and the emphasis is on making slow, easy movements with attention in a range that is comfortable for you.
Eve Boltax is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner based in Jamaica Plain. She has taught Feldenkrais online, and in person at Blissful Monkey Yoga, Down Under Yoga, Urbanity Dance, the Dance Complex, Berklee College of Music, and Boston University Tanglewood Institute. Her work has been described as magical, bold, insightful, calming, and steadfast.
What you'll need: Floor space with room on either side, folded bath towel, rug/blanket or mat to lie down on. Dress comfortable in layers and keep your practice space warm.
This Workshop will be available as an ENCORE Replay for one week, giving participants an opportunity to practice or re-practice at their own choosing. Links for the livestream will be sent via email 15-30min before start time, Encore links will be sent just after livestream ends.
Investment: $35 (includes both Livestream & Replay)
*(EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT $30 by November 13th)